It’s important – in fact, crucial – that we all consider the health and safety of our couples and their guests at weddings we conduct, as well as the health and safety of the bereaved at funerals we lead.

Since March 2020, many couples planning their wedding have either postponed their wedding, or changed the scale of their wedding, or have decided to plough ahead and get married in line with the COVID restrictions in place at the time. Many of the covid restrictions in Victoria have now been lifted, much to the relief of couples wanting to get married, as well as their guests and wedding professionals.
Do you need help to postpone your wedding in Melbourne?
Updated 27 July 2022
COVID-19 restrictions on weddings means all weddings will be legals-only ceremonies with 5 people in total – the couple, the celebrant and witness. Social distancing rules apply.
– Bronte Price
Do you need help to replan your wedding in Melbourne?
COVID-19 is going to be with us for some time yet. As wedding and funeral professionals, we have a key role in ensuring that we don’t add to the potential risk and harm that the virus causes.
Right now, in Victoria there are no vaccination rules for people who are attending weddings or funerals to enter any venues.
No one needs to check-in using the Service Victoria App to enter venues.
There are no density limits.
Dancing is allowed, indoors and outdoors.
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